
Displaying items 1,121 to 1,140 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. Kauno karo komendantūra

    • Litauische Kommandantur in Kaunas
    • Military Commandant in Kaunas

    Reports of the Military Commandant in Kaunas; various instructions for staff of the commandant; documentation concerning activities of local Auxiliary police; orders concerning forced labour for prisoners of war; lists of members of Auxiliary police; restrictions imposed on Jews; documentation about establishment of the Kaunas (Kovno) ghetto in Vilijampolė and forcing people to move into the ghetto.

  2. Polish Military Mission to the Allied Council of Control in Berlin. Consular Section Polska Misja Wojskowa przy Radzie Sojuszniczej w Berlinie. Wydział Konsularny (Sygn.190)

    Reports on missions activities in individual German occupation zones, concerning the Haupttreuhandstelle Ost, HTO (Main Trustee Office for the East), lists of assets confiscated by HTO in Poland, lists of losses incurred by Poland during the war, war damages refunds, questionnaires, German compensation, child care and invalidity. The vast majority of documents concern war claims and property revendication.

  3. German military and police units in W. Ukraine. Lvov occupied by Germans. Men under guard, Jews put on truck by police units.

    Reel 1: 00:05:14 Western Ukraine. Some scenes could be Lvov. German tanks move through a field; charred landscape. 00:06:02 Large groups of Ukrainian civilians look suspiciously at the camera. Small town; German tanks in the streets. Young girls hand flowers to Germans. Tanks crest a hill top, move through a village with thatched-roofed homes. A deep anti-tank trench. 00:08:05 Various shots in a damaged city; burned automobiles, corpses/dead horses lie in the streets. Camera pans across a wide landscape with a village and river, smoke in the distance. Inside and outside views of a church th...

  4. To the gun! Into the military men of the SA Black and white Sturmabteilung (SA) recruitment poster with a rifle over the British coastline

    1. German poster collection

    German recruitment poster for the Sturmabteilung (SA), a Nazi paramilitary organization responsible for protecting party meetings, voter intimidation, and physically assaulting opponents. The wreath and sword symbol at the lower right are also featured on the SA sport badge and armband which were given out for physical accomplishment. As a result of the Great Depression and the growing popularity of the Nazi Party, SA membership swelled to 400,000 by 1932, and by 1933 membership was at approximately two million. On The Night of Long Knives, June 30, 1934, Hitler and the Schutzstaffel (SS) c...

  5. Overview of the role of the Socialist Party (PSIUP) in the military organization and in the struggle to liberate Florence, August 1944

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Overview of the role of the Socialist Party (PSIUP) in the military organization and in the struggle to liberate Florence, August 1944

  6. List of the activities of the senior officers of the Partisan High Command: Military command; assistance; relations with the Allied forces and relations with Italians

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    List of the activities of the senior officers of the Partisan High Command: Military command; assistance; relations with the Allied forces and relations with Italians

  7. Handwritten, undated report regarding Comando Superiore Partigiani (CSP-Supreme partisan headquarters) plans for military campaigns against the German forces in the struggle to liberate Rome

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Handwritten, undated report regarding Comando Superiore Partigiani (CSP-Supreme partisan headquarters) plans for military campaigns against the German forces in the struggle to liberate Rome

  8. Allied Forces Military Government travel permit from Rome to Siena and back given to Ulisse Finzi by virtue of his work, 10 December 1944

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Allied Forces Military Government travel permit from Rome to Siena and back given to Ulisse Finzi by virtue of his work, 10 December 1944

  9. Travel permit issued for Ulisse Finzi by the Allied Military Government in Rome; permit for U. Finzi to visit Major Ledwick of the Rome Allied Area Command

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Travel permit issued for Ulisse Finzi by the Allied Military Government in Rome; permit for U. Finzi to visit Major Ledwick of the Rome Allied Area Command

  10. Travel permits to Naples, Orvieto and Cremona given to U. Finzi by the Allied Military Government for travel on official business

    1. P.30 - Personal Archive of Matilde Finzi-Bassani, Italy

    Travel permits to Naples, Orvieto and Cremona given to U. Finzi by the Allied Military Government for travel on official business

  11. Official documentation of David Baranovski, born in Ilyino, Belorussia, 1919, including the military service booklet of a Red Army soldier, issued, 31 August 1944

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Official documentation of David Baranovski, born in Ilyino, Belorussia, 1919, including the military service booklet of a Red Army soldier, issued, 31 August 1944 Comments of the person providing the material: Life story of David Baranovski in Velikiye Luki before the war; Drafted into the Red Army, 1939. Served in the Red Army Air Force and took part in battles in Kharkov and Moscow . Lived in Samara following the war and worked as an aircraft mechanic. David Baranovski made aliya, 1989.

  12. Personal documents of Yefim Lerner, a Red Army soldier, including his military service booklet and certificates for excellence in service, dated, 1945-1980

    1. O.32 - Documentation regarding the Jews of the Soviet Union from the Holocaust period

    Personal documents of Yefim Lerner, a Red Army soldier, including his military service booklet and certificates for excellence in service, dated, 1945-1980

  13. Testimony of John Korda, born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1917, regarding his experiences in Britain, 1938, and his military service in the British Royal Air Force (RAF)

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of John Korda, born in Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1917, regarding his experiences in Britain, 1938, and his military service in the British Royal Air Force (RAF) Residence in England from 1938. Enlistment in the Czechoslovakian wing of the RAF, 1940; easing of pressure on the part of Czechoslovakian officers not to allow Jews to fly, 1942; obstacles put forward in Czechoslovakian language tests; antisemitism of Czechoslovakian officers; Jews in RAF training schools, in flying crews and among ground personnel; air-raids on German port installations, 1943; patrols protecting Soviet con...

  14. Testimony of Anna (Valentova) Kralova regarding her experiences in the Czechoslovakian Army in Buzuluk, 1942, and regarding military service by women

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Anna (Valentova) Kralova regarding her experiences in the Czechoslovakian Army in Buzuluk, 1942, and regarding military service by women Impact of Soviet-German treaty on lives of Czechoslovakian citizens in Soviet occupied territories, 1939-1941; women in Czechoslovakian battalion at Buzuluk, 1942; antisemitism; ranks of Jewish officers not recognized; difficulties in marriage with Jewish officers.

  15. Testimony of Josef Rudinger, born in Jerusalem, Eretz Israel, 1924, regarding emigration to England, 1939, and military service in a Czechoslovakian unit of the British Army from 1942

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Testimony of Josef Rudinger, born in Jerusalem, Eretz Israel, 1924, regarding emigration to England, 1939, and military service in a Czechoslovakian unit of the British Army from 1942 Born in Eretz Israel to pioneers who had made aliya from Czechoslovakia; family returns to Czechoslovakia, 1927; emigration to England, 1938-1939. Enlistment and training in Czechoslovakian military units in England, 1942; demand for highly qualified personnel facilitates acceptance of Jews into the Royal Air Force (RAF), 1942; Jewish participation in training school, flying crews, ground personnel, fighting, ...

  16. Military documents and medals belonging to Ytzhak Ondrej Pisk Bar Lev, born in Zvolenska Slatina, Czechoslovakia, 1923, a Czechoslovakian Army soldier who joined a partisan unit in Slovakia

    1. O.59- Erich Kulka Collection: Documentation and testimonies regarding the struggle of the Jews of Czechoslovakia against the Nazis

    Military documents and medals belonging to Ytzhak Ondrej Pisk Bar Lev, born in Zvolenska Slatina, Czechoslovakia, 1923, a Czechoslovakian Army soldier who joined a partisan unit in Slovakia Bar Lev made aliya to Israel in 1968.

  17. Military reports regarding combat by the German Army against the partisans in the Soviet Union, including the execution of partisans in the Soviet Union

    1. O.65 - Collection of Jacob Robinson, Jurist and Diplomat

    Military reports regarding combat by the German Army against the partisans in the Soviet Union, including the execution of partisans in the Soviet Union

  18. Reports on observations made in the witness section of the Nuremberg Trials written by Wilhelm Hoettl and Erwin von Lahousen, principal witnesses at the International Military Tribunal

    1. O.23 - Gilbert Collection: Documentation written by senior Nazi war criminals in detention during the Nuremberg Trials
    • Miscellaneous witness room notes

    Reports on observations made in the witness section of the Nuremberg Trials written by Wilhelm Hoettl and Erwin von Lahousen, principal witnesses at the International Military Tribunal - Report by Wilhelm Hoettl of the former Reichssicherheitshauptamt (RSHA - Reich Main Security office) regarding the reactions of the prisoners in the witness section to the atrocity film; - Group identification in the witness wing: East- or West-orientation of the leading clique of the former Nazi regime ; - Questions on Hoettl's personal status and future; - Description of the various groups of witnesses by...

  19. Documentation from 1977 related to the military service of Frantisek Getreuer from Ostrava in the Czech Army within the framework of the Red Army in the Soviet Union

    1. P.25- Archive of Erich Kulka, Historian of Czech Jewry and Author

    Documentation from 1977 related to the military service of Frantisek Getreuer from Ostrava in the Czech Army within the framework of the Red Army in the Soviet Union

  20. Judge Advocate General's Office: Military Deputy's Department and War Office, Directorates of Army Legal Services and Personal Services, War Crimes Files

    Contains war crime files relating to the children's hostel in Lefitz, Germany, and the death of Allied children.