
Displaying items 821 to 840 of 10,553
Language of Description: English
  1. [Treuhandvermögen-Reports of the Military administration in Belgium]

    1. The Alfred Wiener documents collection

    The file contains documents regarding Jewish properties and estates in Belgium, prisoners of war, forbidden books and information about the Judenstern (yellow badge). Furthermore reports called 'Tätigkeitsbericht der Militärverwaltung' in the years of 1940 to 1943 (military administration for the period of 1940-1943) can be seen. These reports provide information, among other things, about the aryanization of companies in Belgium, their liquidation or about companies that are currently in the process. Information about the registration and exploitation of enemy and Jewish assets is also pro...

  2. Report to Ministerial Board on military and political situation

    1. Administrative office of Bessarabia, Bukovina and "Transnistra"
    • Raportul adresat consiliului ministerial privind situația militară și politică
    • Доклад Совету Министров о военном и политическом положении

    Government of Bucovina. Report to Ministerial Board on military and the political situation, dated Jan. 1944

  3. Wehrkreiskommando

    • Military District Command

    The goal of the Wehrkreis system was to relieve field commanders from as much administrative work as possible while providing a regular flow of trained recruits and supplies to the field army.

  4. Feldgendarmerie

    • Army military police

    Between 1939 and 1941, there was a growing need for troops to maintain control over those areas recently conquered by the Wehrmacht. Some units of the Ordnungspolizei were integrated into the army’s Feldgendarmerie units. The Ordnungspolizei had the right to draft men, and by the summer of 1940 almost 250,000 men served these units.

  5. Militärbefehlshaber im Südosten

    • Military Commander Southeast
    • MilBfh

    With Directive No. 48, Hitler established the new position of Militaerbefehlshaber im Südosten, with headquarters in Belgrade.

  6. Żydowski Związek Wojskowy

    • Jewish Military Union
    • ŻZW

    Founded in 1939-10

    Żydowski Związek Wojskowy was set up in 1939-10 by officers and noncommissioned officers in the Polish army of Jewish background. ŻZW worked with the Security Corps and numbered about 250 people. Units of the ŻZW took part in the uprising in the Warsaw Ghetto.

  7. Polska Organizacja Wojskowa

    • Polish Military Organisation
    • POW

    The Polska Organizacja Wojskowa was founded by Marshal Józef Piłsudski, the future chief of independent Poland. Its main function had been intelligence-gathering and sabotage.

  8. Geheime Feldpolizei

    • Secret military police
    • GFP

    The main tasks of the Geheime Feldpolizei were counterintelligence and security. Members of the Geheime Feldpolizei were actually the executives of the Abwehr.

  9. Militärbefehlshaber Serbien

    • Military Commander of Serbia

    Founded in 1941-04-21

    The German military government in Serbia was established by an order of the chief of the Oberkommando des Heeres, Field Marshal Walther von Brauchitsch, of 1941-04-21. This order, effective on 1941-04-22 and implemented by a series of others, established the Militaerbefehlshaber Serbien as the chief of the occupation regime.

  10. История воинских частей и подразделений

    1. Комиссия по истории Великой Отечественной войны 1941-1945 гг. Академии наук СССР
    • History of Military Units

    The section contains a variety of materials on the activities of the armies, divisions, regiments participating in the battles: the history of military units, operational documents (orders, orders, reports, reports, reports and logs of military operations, combat operations schemes), transcripts of conversations with commanders and ordinary soldiers which reflects their immediate impressions and experiences, memories of the war participants, letters, literary works of soldiers, folklore material.

  11. March of Time -- outtakes -- Press reaction to US military landing in N. Africa; Taylor visits Lisbon

    Dramatic coverage of newsboys rushing to deliver bundles of the newspaper Diario de Lisboa on the day the Americans invaded North Africa. Extensive scenes of movement, newstands, publications, and close-ups of the front pages of papers in Portugal. Some of the newspapers are English-language. LIFE magazine and SIGNAL. INT of a barbershop, where a news vendor distributes copies of the paper to men getting their hair cut. EXT and INT of the "Havas Agence," precursor to the modern Agence France-Presse. Editor (Mr. Dany) sitting at a telephone with another man (Mr. Audibert) standing beside him...

  12. Allied Military, 1 mark note, acquired by American soldier assigned to Nuremberg Trials

    1. Jerold F. Majerus collection

    Allied military currency valued at 1 mark acquired by Jerold F. Majerus, during his service with the United States Army, 6827th Military Detachment, as part of the stenographic support staff of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, 1945-46

  13. Allied Military, 1 mark note, acquired by American soldier assigned to Nuremberg Trials

    1. Jerold F. Majerus collection

    Allied military currency valued at 1 mark acquired by Jerold F. Majerus, during his service with the United States Army, 6827th Military Detachment, as part of the stenographic support staff of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, 1945-46