
Displaying items 341 to 360 of 1,117
Language of Description: English
  1. Memorial and Nazis marching in Munich

    “NAZI MEMORIAL.” People outside Felderrnhalle, a landmark in the Odeonsplatz. Nazi soldiers stand guard in front of the Mahnmal der Bewegung monument at Felderrnhalle. Pedestrians walk by and heil. “RECENT CONVERTS.” Soldiers march in neat rows on the side of the street. “MARIENPLATZ” German civilians in the street by Old Town Hall. MS, New Town Hall in Marienplatz. “VON DER TANN STRASSE” Large banner across Von der Tann Strasse: “Unsere Ziele find Arbeit, Freiheit, Brot und ein Frieden der cher” [Our goals are work, freedom, bread and peace] Nazi flags. Men ride bicycles. A traffic officer...

  2. This small piece of history: the escape from Germany and three years later the successful immigration to the United States

    Account of the Lenkway family’s life in Cologne, Germany: persecution under the Nazis, escape from Germany in 1938, their odyssey through several European countries before emigrating to the US in 1941.

  3. Nadia Gould collection

    The memoir describes her parents' families; her childhood in the French countryside; the German occupation of France; her and her mother's escape to join her father in unoccupied France; her family's escape from Marseille, France, to Portugal via Spain; her immigration to the United States and reunion with her parents; her assimilation into American culture and her activities while in high school and in college; and some of her experiences afterwards. The collection also includes picture postcards illustrated with Gould's art work depict both geometric and human forms.

  4. Hans Landesberg papers

    1. Hans Landesberg collection

    Consists of material related to the pre-war and wartime experiences of Dr. Hans Landesberg. Includes passports, photographs of family members and of Dr. Landesberg in the Sidi-el-Ayashi concentration camp in Morocco, correspondence, official papers, and a brief memoir describing his experiences, both in German and in English.

  5. Our Great Escape: The Story of a Dutch Family's Flight from Persecution

    PDF of an expanded version of Alexander Silbiger's memoir, Our Great Escape: The Story of a Dutch Family's Flight from Persecution, 1942-1943 (2020), 73 pages. Alexander Silbiger, originally of The Hague, The Netherlands, describes his family's attempts to escape the Nazi regime in 1942, by traveling through Belgium and France before finally leaving Europe. The family first went to Jamaica and then spent the rest of the war in Curacao. The original version of this memoir was previously accessioned as 2006.27

  6. Heinrich Kraschutski: copy correspondence concerning his fate

    The letters deal with the fate of Heinrich Richard Albrecht Kraschutski, formerly commander in the German navy, 1914-1918, becoming a prominent figure in the pacifist movement in Germany after the First World War, and co-editor of the pacifist weekly, Das Andere Deutschland, the publication of which was regarded as particularly pernicious and treacherous by the Reichswehr because of its disclosures of violations of the disarmament clauses of the Treaty of Versailles. He went to Majorca and together with a small group of other anti-nazi refugees opened a little workshop of arts and crafts at...

  7. William Scheer papers

    This collection contains primarily school and college certificates of Wilhelm Scheer from his time growing up in Poland. Also included is an Italian id document, 1939; a US naturalisation certificate, 1946; sundry other material; and photographs of William Scheer and other family members.