
Displaying items 17,861 to 17,880 of 17,943
  1. Hadviseltek Bizottsága

  2. Oberkommando des Heeres

    • Supreme Army High Command
    • OKH

    In 1941, Hitler gave the Oberkommando des Heeres the control of the war in the Soviet Union and told them they did not have to abide by the rules of war. The Oberkommando der Luftwaffe, the Oberkommando der Kriegsmarine and the Oberkommando des Heeres were subordinate to the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht which was ultimately responsible to Hitler for the operational conduct of the three armed branches of the German forces.

  3. Action Française

    • AF

    Founded in 1898

    The best-known and most influential anti-Semitic organization was the Action Française, formed in 1898 by Maurice Pujo and Henri Vaugeois as a result of the Dreyfus affair. The AF was both a political and a literary movement. The daily paper of the same name started in 1908 and reached a considerable part of the bourgeois, student and Catholic world. The paper, employing gifted writers, was relentless in its vituperative attacks, on both a general and personal level, on Jews, sometimes inciting violence.

  4. Sonderdienst

    • Special Service

    The Sonderdienst exists entirely of Germans. The Sonderdienst is mainly occupied with the collecting of agricultural quotas, the imposition of fines, and control over the prices.

  5. Reichsjustizministerium

    The Reichsjustizministerium was headed by Franz Günther and later by Otto Thierack. It was engaged with questions of justice and the law.

  6. Organisation de Résistance de l'Armée

    • Army Resistance Organisation
    • ORA

    Founded in 1942-12-01

    On 1942-12-01 the Organisation de Résistance de l'Armée was formed by General Aubert Frere. ORA became active after Germany occupied the Free (Vichy) Zone in 1942-11. Organized by career officers and run on a professional military basis, ORA initially backed General Giraud rather than de Gaulle as the head of the Resistance: it's mission was military, not political.

  7. Einsatzkommando 10a

    • EK 10a

    Einsatzkommando 10a (part of Einsatzgruppe D) carried out the mass murder of Jews in southern Ukraine.

  8. Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft

    Founded in 1931

    The Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft was founded in 1933, from 1935-03 the Frauenschaft was officially part of the NSDAP.

  9. Reichssicherheitshauptamtes-Amtes II-D Technische Angelegenheiten

    • RSHA-Amtes II-D Technische Angelegenheiten

    The technical department, under the supervision of Rauff, became a part of Amt II.

  10. Lippmann Rosenthal Bank

    • Lippmann, Rosenthal&Co.
    • Liro

    The Lippmann Rosenthal Bank, 'the robber bank', was not a bank in the normal sense of the word. In practice, Liro was far more a storage depot and sales office for stolen Jewish stolen property than a financial institution.

  11. Wehrmachtführungsamt

    Abolished in 1940-08-07

    The Wehrmachtführungsamt was renamed the Wehrmachtführungsstab on 1940-08-07.

  12. Einsatzkommando 1/IV

    • EK 1/IV

    Einsatzkommando 1/IV, Einsatzkommando 1 of Einsatzgruppe IV, participated during the invasion of Poland in 1939-09. During the invasion of the Soviet Union the Einsatzgruppen were not labeled with the number I, II, III, IV or V but with the character A, B, C or D.

  13. Comité voor Bijzondere Joodse Belangen

    • Committee for special Jewish interests
    • CBJB

    Founded in 1933

    Following the course of events in Germany, the Comité voor Bijzondere Joodse Belangen was formed in 1933 under the aegis of David Cohen and Abraham Asscher, who were later in charge of the Jewish Council.

  14. Verband Schweizerischer Jüdischer Fürsorgen

    • Union Suisse des Comités d'Entraide Juive
    • VSJF


    Founded in 1908 as a loose association, the Verband Schweizerischer Jüdischer Fürsorgen was integrated into the Schweizerischer Israelitischer Gemeindebund in 1925 as the umbrella organization for all Jewish groups caring for the poor. Since 1943 it has operated under the name Verband Schweizerischer Jüdischer Fürsorgen.

  15. Government of the United States

    In 1938/1939 the army of the United States was ill prepared even to defend the nation against attack; the public and Congress were determined to avoid war and ignorant of military requirements. The foreign policy of the United States was in debate, and the policies that the President followed in this period of doubt soon raised a conflict between the request for aid and the demands of national rearmament. Amid this confusion the services had to prepare for the worst. From 1938-09 to 1941-12-07 it became increasingly probable that the United States would have to fight in the Second World War.

  16. Ostbahn

    • East railroad

    Ostbahn was the East or Polish railroad system. During the war, Bletchley Park became aware of wide-scale rail deportations of Jews to the east.

  17. Wirtschaftprüfstelle

    Wirtschaftprüfstelle was a German organization which was, because of the Aryanization of the Dutch business, responsible for the sale and liquidation of Jewish companies.

  18. Service du Travail Obligatoire

    • Compulsory Labour Service
    • STO

    Founded in 1943-02-16

    Pierre Laval introduced, on 1943-02-16, the most unpopular of his proposals, the Service du Travail Obligatoire, which at first called for young men aged from twenty to twenty-two to register to work in Germany for two years. As a consequence, young men went into hiding, draft dodging, or went into the Resistance. Only half of the age group was sent. The disappointed Laval enlarged the source of supply to men between eighteen and sixty and childless women from eighteen to forty-five. About 650.000 men and 44.000 women were sent from France to work in Germany, a total number second only to t...