
Displaying items 21 to 40 of 17,943
  1. 4° Reggimento Alpini

  2. 51-ая полицейская группа 1-го корпуса румынской армии

    • 51-aya politseiskaya gruppa 1-go korpusa rumynskoi armii
  3. 6a Divisione Langhe

  4. 79a Brigata Garibaldi

  5. 814-oji karo lauko komendantūra

    • Feldkommandantur 814
    • Military Field Commander Number 814 in Vilnius

    Military Field Commander Number 814 in Vilnius was established in July 1941 and existed untill July 1944. The institution was under the authority of Der Kommandant in Litauen des Wehrmachtsbefehlshabers Ostland. The Commandant handled almost all military and civilian affairs, except for the political. Also supervised activities of the committee of the citizens' of the Vilnius city and the area and activities of the Lithuanian auxiliary police.

  6. 89a Brigata Garibaldi

  7. 9. SS Totenkopf-Sturmbann

  8. A. Abbe Lagarde

  9. A. Alfrech

    • א. אלפריך

    State's advisor in Hamburg in 1935

  10. A. Milhado

  11. A. Richert

  12. A. Χαμπούρης

    • A. Chabouris
    • A . Hambouris

    A. Chambouris was a Greek Christian businessman from Thessaloniki and I. Asseo's business partner.

  13. Aage Andersen

  14. Aaron Schwarz

    תעשיין וכימאי יהודי הולנדי, מנהל החברה Polak & Schwarz

  15. Abba Hillel Silver

    • אבא הלל סילבר

    American Rabbi and communal leader

  16. Abel Herzberg

    • Abel Jacob Herzberg

    17 September 1893 – 19 May 1989

    Abel Jacob Herzberg (17 September 1893 – 19 May 1989) was a Dutch Jewish lawyer, writer and poet. He wrote many plays and novels, focused mainly on Biblical characters. His works include 'Tweestromenland", "Kroniek der Jodenvervolging", and "Om een lepel soep". Herzberg was a prisoner in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp from 11 January 1944 to 10 April 1945.