
Displaying items 21 to 40 of 17,943
  1. Velika Župa Bilogora

    • The Great Governorate of Bilogora


  2. Oskar Schindler

  3. Paneriai mass killing place

    • Ponary mass killing place

    Mass killing place of the Jews from Vilnius, Vilnius area and surroundings. The first execution by the Special Squad in Paneriai took place on 11 July 1941. Untill June 1944 there were killed around 70 000 Jews.

  4. Kruk Herman

    • Kruk, Hermann, 1897-1944
    • Kruk, Herman, 1897-1944
    • Kruk, Herman
    • קרוק, הערמאן, 1897־1944
    • Qrwq, Hʻrmʼan.
    • ...



    Librarian. Wrote diaries from the Vilna ghetto.

  5. Ona Šimaitė

    • Anna Szymajte

    6 January 1894 – 17 January 1970

    Ona Šimaitė - a librarian at Vilnius University, used her position to aid and rescue Jews in the Vilna Ghetto. Born in Akmenė on 6 January 1894 and later educated in Moscow, Šimaitė became a librarian at Vilnius University in 1940. After the Nazi invasion and the creation of the Vilna Ghetto in 1941 she began entering the ghetto under the pretext of recovering library books from Jewish university students. Over the next three years she smuggled in food and small arms (helped by Kazys Boruta, amongst others) and other provisions and smuggled out literary and historical documents, and also se...

  6. Universität zu Köln

    • University of Cologne
  7. Konrad von Preysing

    • Konrad von Preysing Lichtenegg-Moos
    • Konrad Graf von Preysing
    • Johann Konrad Maria Augustin Felix, Graf von Preysing Lichtenegg-Moos
  8. Főszolgabiroi hivatal Kassa

    • Hlavnoslúžnovský úrad v Košiciach
    • Chief Constable´s Office in Košice
  9. Западный штаб партизанского движения

    • Western Staff of Partisan Movement

    1942 - 1943

    Western Staff of Partisan Movement was established on May 30, 1942 by the order of State Defense Committee (GKO) together with the Central Staff of Partisan Movement. The head of Western Staff D.M. Popov was appointed as its head.

  10. Чрезвычайная Государственная Комиссия

    • ChGK
    • Soviet Extraordinary State Commission for the Investigation of the German-Fascist Crimes
    • ChGK - Chrezvychaynaya gosudarstvennaya komissiya po ustanovleniyu i rassledovaniyu zlodeyaniy nemetsko-fashistskikh zakhvatchikov i ikh soobshchnikov
    • State Extraordinary Commission for Investigation of Nazi War Crimes in the Soviet Union
    • Soviet Extraordinary State Commission

    Investigating War Crimes

  11. László Endre

    • Endre, László
    • Endre, László 1895-1946



    Hungarian extreme right-wing politician, administrative expert, one of the most influential antisemitic public figures in wartime Hungary. He served as the subprefect of Pest-Pilis-Solt-Kiskun County from 1938 to 1944. In March 1944, he was appointed undersecretary of state of the Ministry of the Interior, and as such was primarily responsible for the deportation of the Hungarian Jews. He was a government commissioner for the military operational zone under the Szálasi government. He was sentenced to death and executed after the war.

  12. Rü-Lager Degusa Gleiwitz - Steigern

    • Obóz pracy przymusowej do celów zbrojeniowych Degusa w Ligocie Gliwickiej

    Obóz funkcjonował od kwietnia 1942 roku do kwietnia 1944 roku, a w dokumentach figurował pod nazwami: Rü. Lager Degussa, Gleiwitz Steigern oraz Zwangsarbeitlager Degussa, Gleiwitz Steigern. Kierownikiem tego obozu do 3 maja 1944 roku był Jungnikiel. Zarówno robotników cudzoziemskich, jak i Żydów początkowo zatrudniano przy budowie fabryki, a potem przy produkcji sadzy. Warunki pracy były skrajnie trudne. Mężczyźni pracowali przy naprawie i utrzymaniu maszyn, natomiast kobiety przy przeróbce antracytu, siarki i olejów na sadzę. Początkowo w obozie przebywało 261 mężczyzn i 245 kobiet. W kole...

  13. Staatsanwaltschaft bei dem Landgericht Berlin

    • Magistrate's Court Landesarchiv in Berlin
  14. Petur Izraelevich Gabe

  15. Българската народна банка

    • Bulgarian People's Bank
    • БНБ
  16. National Bank - Bulgaria