
Displaying items 1,901 to 1,920 of 17,955
  1. Pius 12 Pope

    • Pius XII (papież ; 1876-1958).
    • Pacelli, Eugenio.
    • Pío XII.
    • Pij XII.
    • Pie XII (pape).
    • ...



    Head of the Roman Catholic Church (1939-58). Controversy around his and the Vatican's "neutrality" during the Holocaust

  2. Isaac Halevi Herzog

    • יצחק אייזיק הלוי הרצוג

    Chief Rabbi of Irland; from 1937 Chief Rabbi of Eretz Yisrael & the State of Israel

  3. Richard Walther Darre

    SS-Obergruppenführer (the second highest SS-rank and the equivalent of a general) and the seventh most senior officer of the SS, a leading Nazi "blood-and-soil" (Blut und Boden) ideologist and Reich minister of Food and Agriculture from 1933 to 1942.

  4. Bundesministerium für Vermögenssicherung und Wirtschaftsplanung

    • Krauland-Ministerium
    • Austrian Ministry for Securing Property and Economic Planning
  5. Българска национална радио

    • Bŭlgarska natsionalna radio
    • Bulgarian National Broadcasting Company
  6. Централна консистория на евреите в България

    • Central Consistory of the Jews in Bulgaria
    • Tzentralna konsistoria na evreite v Bulgaria
  7. Министерство на труда и социалните въпроси

    • Ministerstvo na truda i sotsialnite vŭprosi
    • Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
  8. Министерство на външните работи и изповеданията

    • Ministerstvo na vŭnshnite raboti i izpovedaniyata
    • Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religions
  9. Министерство на външните работи и изповеданията – Дирекция на вероизповеданията

    • Ministerstvo na vŭnshnite raboti i izpovedaniyata – Direktsiya na veroizpovedaniyata
    • Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Religions - Directorate of Religious Affairs
  10. Βιοτεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Thessaloniki's Chamber of Handicrafts
    • Viotechniko Epimeleterio Thessalonikes
  11. Εμπορικό και Βιομηχανικό Επιμελητήριο Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    • Emboriko kai Viomechaniko Epimeleterio Thessalonikes

    The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Thessaloniki (CCIT) was established in 1918 and its operation begun in 1919. It is the second Chamber in Greece in terms of size. Its history is closely related to that of the region, documenting all commercial and industrial activity since the early years of the 20th century.

  12. Bulgarian Ministry of Public Education

    • Bulgarian Ministry of People's Education
  13. Bulgarian Government

    • ממשלת בולגריה
    • Government of Bulgaria
  14. Luther Martin



    Head of the Nazi Foreign Office's "Germany" Department. Played a significant role in the "Final Solution". Attended the Wannsee Conference

  15. Ribbentrop Joachim von

    • Ribbentrop, Joachim ˜vonœ 1893-1946
    • Ribbentrop, Joachim von
    • Von Ribbentrop, Joachim, 1893-1946
    • Ribbentrop, Ullrich Friedrich Willy Joachim, 1893-1946
    • Ribbentrop, Joachim 1893-1946
    • ...



    Minister of Foreign Affairs in The Third Reich 1938-1945.

  16. Централен Държавен Архив

    • Tsentralen Darzhaven Arhiv
    • Bulgarian Central State Archives
  17. Christos Kavvadas

    • Mr. Christos Kavvadas
  18. Επαγγελματικό Επιμελητήριο Θεσσαλονίκης

    • Thessaloniki Chamber of Tradesmen
    • Epaggelmatiko Epimeleterio Thessalonikis
    • ΕΕΘ
  19. Salzburger Landesregierung

    • Salzburg State Government
  20. Jüdisches Museum Hohenems

    • Hohenems Jewish Museum