
Displaying items 1,801 to 1,820 of 17,955
  1. Бершадська районна управа, м. Бершадь

    • Bershad Rayon Administration, town of Bershad
  2. Вінницький обласний комітет Комуністичної партії України

    • Vinnytsia Regional Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine
  3. Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes

    • DÖW


    Former resistance fighters, victims of Nazi persecution and committed academics set up the Dokumentationsarchiv des Österreichischen Widerstandes in 1963. In the initial phase, when DÖW staff felt constrained to provide proof of the historical contribution of Austrian resistance in the face of spiteful and hostile attacks, the most important task consisted in preparing documents and historical texts as the basis of historical research. At an even later date - in the 1980s - DÖW began to include studies on the murder of physically and mentally handicapped in its research program.

  4. Romanian gendarmerie

    • ז'נדרמריה רומנית
  5. Державний архів Вінницької області

    • State Archive of Vinnytsa Oblast
  6. Вінницька обласна управа

    • Vinnytska oblasna uprava
    • Vinnytsa regional administration
  7. Udenrigsministeriet Stockholm

    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs Stockholm
  8. Udenrigsministeriet

    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  9. Rigspolitiet

    • The Danish National Police
  10. Rigspolitichefen, Eftersøgningstjenesten

    • Commissioner of Police, The search service
  11. Rigsadvokaten

    • The Prosecutor General
  12. Самгородоцька районна управа, м. Самгородок

    • Samhorodok Rayon Administration, town of Samhorodok
  13. Politiets Efterretningstjeneste

    • The Police Intelligence Service
  14. Nævnet for Helbredsbedømmelser i Tjenestemandssager

    • Board of Health Reviews in Official employments
  15. Københavns Byret

    • Copenhagen City Court
  16. Københavns Amts Søndre Birks Politi

    • Copenhagen County Southern Birks (Court) Police
  17. Københavns Amts Nordre Birks Politi

    • Copenhagen County North Birks (Court) Police
  18. Frederiksberg Police

  19. Den Danske Flygtningeadministration i Sverige

    • The Danish Refugee Administration in Sweden