
Displaying items 1,681 to 1,700 of 17,955
  1. Ured za podržavljeni imetak Sarajevo

    • The Office for Nationalized Property Sarajevo

    The Office for Nationalized Property in Sarajevo had details about and managed the properties of those who had to leave the Independent State of Croatia or they were taken to concentration camps. In most cases, this is Jewish and Serbian property.

  2. Gradska uprava narodnih dobara Sarajevo

    • City's bureau for public goods Sarajevo

    1945 - 1946

    After World War 2 bureaus (directorates) were formed to manage the property war criminals, but also of individuals and families that were forcefully taken away or became refugees. The government thus aimed to manage these properties until it is returned to owners or assigned to someone else (in accordance with the law: Zakon o postupanju sa imovinom sopstvenika koji su je morali napustiti... Sl. list DFJ no. 36/45).

  3. Laura Papo - Bohoreta

    Laura Papo was born in 1891 and died in 1942.

    Laura Papo Bohoreta was born in Sarajevo on 15 March 1891, into the poor Jewish family of Juda and Esther Levi, the first of their seven children. Juda Levi was a trader, but as he did not have success in Sarajevo, he relocated to Istanbul in 1900 with his family. In Turkey, they changed the name of Luna into a more modern and international one - Laura. For eight years in Istanbul, Laura attended the International French School for Jews "Alliance Israélite Française". After eight years, Levi's family returned to Sarajevo, just as poor as before, only with more children. In order to help her...

  4. Jevrejska opština Sarajevo

    • Jewish Community of Sarajevo
  5. Izraelička-Sefardička osnovna škola Sarajevo

    • Sephardic Primary School Sarajevo

    Founded in 1903.

    The school in Sarajevo for Jewish (Sephardi) children was formed in 1903. Records (books) of the school were preserved and kept in Elementary school "Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" Sarajevo, from which they were transferred to the Archive of Sarajevo.

  6. Župný úrad Trenčianskej župy

  7. Ľudový súd v Levoči

  8. Fond pre správu poľnohospodárskych majetkov

    • FSPM
  9. Ustaška nadzorna služba

    • Ustasha Surveillance Service

    Created on 16th of August 1941. and abolished on 21. of January 1943.

    In August 1941, the Ustaša Surveillance Service (Ustaška nadzorna služba) was created to combat anti-Ustaša activities throughout the NDH. The Surveillance Service consisted of four elements, the Ustaša Police, Ustaša Intelligence Service, Ustaša Defence Brigades, and Personnel. The head of the Surveillance Service was appointed by, and accountable directly to Pavelić, leader of the Independent State of Croatia. Among other branches, the Service was monitoring Jews and people of "mixed" marriages.

  10. Spartakusbund

    • Spartakus
  11. Judiska församlingen i Stockholm

    • Jewish Community of Stockholm
    • Mosaiska församlingen i Stockholm

    Judiska församlingen i Stockholm leder sitt ursprung till sigillgravören och köpmannen Aaron Isaac, som 1774 kom från Mecklenburg till Stockholm och 1775 fick Gustav III:s tillstånd, ett så kallat skyddsbrev, att med sin familj bosätta sig här. Snart därpå anlände släktingar och vänner och därmed var Stockholms judiska församling grundad. Riksdagen beslöt 1779 att utvidga religionsfriheten. Reglerna för judarnas offentliga ställning i Sverige fanns i det av Kommerskollegium 1782 utfärdade ”judereglementet”, som i sina huvuddelar blev gällande till 1838. Genom en kungl. förordning 1838 upphä...