
Displaying items 561 to 580 of 14,600
Language of Description: English
  1. Landesgericht Salzburg

    • State Court of Justice of Salzburg
  2. Marktgemeinde Werfen im Pongau

    • Werfen im Pongau Trade Community
  3. Salzburger Landesgalerie

    • Salzburg State Gallery
  4. Städtische Sammlungen

    • Vienna City Collections
    • Museen der Stadt Wien
  5. Vorarlberger Landesregierung

    • Vorarlberg State Government
  6. Universität Innsbruck

    • Innsbruck University
  7. Universitätsbibliothek Salzburg

    • Salzburg University Library
    • Salzburger Universitätsbibliothek
  8. Universalmuseum Joanneum

  9. Evreiskii Antifashistskii Komitet

    • Jewish Antifascist Committee
    • EAK


    In 1942-04 the Soviet government founded several antifascist committees. The Evreiskii Antifashistskii Komitet was the only one that represented a national group. The committee’s goal was to call on the Jews of the World, mainly American Jewry, to join the struggle against Nazi Germany. It used Jewish themes, symbols, and the names of prominent Jews to attract the attention of this target group. The committee was also one of the first institutions to document the atrocities of the Holocaust and the activities of the Jewish resistance. It worked with the Soviet Government Commission for the ...

  10. American Jewish Committee

  11. Київська українська охоронна поліція

    • Kiev City Ukrainian guard police
  12. Ukrainian police

    • משטרה אוקראינית
  13. UPA - Ukrainskaya povstancheskaya armiya

    Militia of Ukrainian nationalists

  14. German Gendarmerie

    • ז'נדרמריה גרמנית
  15. Jevrejske Opstine u Jugoslaviji

    • Jewish Communities in Yugoslavia
    • Јеврејске општине у Југославији
  16. Catholic Church

    A considerable debate developed after 1945, among both historians and leaders of opinion, politicians and representatives of the Catholic Church, on the attitude of the international Catholic Church towards the violent persecution of the Jews and the Shoah. It has become clear that the church leaders of the Vatican, but also in Nazi-Germany on historical grounds (out of fear for a new Kulturkampf), chose for a form of still diplomacy and humanitarian help instead of an open confrontation and political intervention.

  17. Catholic Church in Germany

    • כנסייה קתולית - גרמניה
  18. Kislau, Kreis Bruchsal

    • Kislau, District of Bruchsal
  19. Berlin Document Center

    • BDC

    Founded in 1945-05-10

    The Berlin Document Center was established on 1945-05-10, immediately after the occupation of Berlin by the Allied forces. The purpose of the BDC was to concentrate the archival documentation of the German government institutions, the Nazi party and the organizations associated with the party. The Collection was officially returned to German ownership in the 1990s.

  20. Badisches Kultusministerium

    • Baden Ministry of Culture

    Bis 1881 war im Großherzogtum Baden das Ressort Kultus und Unterricht, Wissenschaft und Künste vom Innen-, danach vom Justizministerium wahrgenommen worden. Erst im Jahre 1911 wurde ein eigenständiges Ministerium des Kultus und Unterrichts geschaffen, das zugleich Funktionen des aufgehobenen Oberschulrats übernahm. Bereits 1933 wurde dieses Ministerium wieder mit dem Justizministerium zusammengelegt. from: